We're a federal system — locations can pursue their own initiatives semi-independently provided that they align with the overall mission of reducing single-use foodware waste and work towards the greater good.
Navigate to the sub-pages in the navigation bar to see what each location is up to.
Focused on the economic advantages of reuse. High School cafeterias are a current area of focus.
Taking in the Greater Columbus area, several municipalities in the area are pursuing sustainability.
At more than 60,000 students and staff, it's the size of a small city, with city-sized sustainability issues. (Page coming soon).
Approx. 3m pieces of foodware sent to landfill from the cafeteria per school year. Styrofoam heavy. Eanes ISD on the West side of Austin, TX. (Page coming soon).
Approx. 2.6m pieces of foodware sent to landfill from the cafeteria per school year. Styrofoam heavy. Leander ISD on the NW side of Austin, TX.
Small private school in Austin. Efforts are shifting hydration stations to reuse and engaging with the food truck that serves as the defacto cafeteria. (Page coming soon).