Get Involved

Help make a difference in your community.



Support our efforts to rescue restaurants from single-use plastics and to reduce plastic footprints more generally.


We would love to have you. Click on the icon to view the PDF and see what we are focused on, then contact us about how involved you would like to be and if you have any special skills that you would like to utilize.

Spread the Word

One of the best ways to contribute is by spreading the word. Click the social media links at the bottom of this page or other pages to let your friends know the good work that we are doing.

Start a Chapter

Plastic Reduction Project is currently focused on the Austin metro area, but we would love to share our infrastructure, our lessons learned, and other resources. Let us know if you would like to carry the flag to a new city, becoming part of a larger family.

Go Green

for My Business

Have a restaurant or other business (or work for one) that would like to go green, but worry what that would do to profits? It may not be as costly as you think and may get you positive attention. Maybe we can help - we can at least be a sounding board and might be able to help with cost/benefit analysis.


Launch a Go Fund Me campaign, or stage an event. Let us know what you have in mind and we can connect on the details.

If you are a community leader, student leader, or faculty sponsor,

we'd be keen to speak to your group about our initiatives.

Contact Us
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